Summer must be winding down since school is starting this week. My mother was always fond of singing the line, "now it's time to say goodbye to the summer!" this time of year. Ironically, we are getting some of our warmest weather this week, but it won't last for long. And warm is a relative term since we still haven't seen 90 degrees here this year, nor are we likely to see it. I am still playing the part of medical mystery. I had a CT scan this morning and a doctor's appointment later today to hopefully get some answers from that scan, but I also have an appointment set up in Grand Forks next week with a specialist of some kind.
We had a good week last week with the mission team here. The house was full and crazy at times, but the kids handled it well and we really enjoyed all of the fellowship and encouragement and the work that they were able to do. We saw seven people make decisions for Jesus Christ last week as well. I have plenty to do in the way of follow up and that is a good thing. I am putting a few pictures with this post of the team at work.