Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We enjoyed our time with our church family here. The Christmas eve service was great and I ended up with more and more duties for the Christmas morning service. : ) I really had a great day with all of the excitement from the kids. We are getting ready to launch into the new year. Please be praying for the youth group. We have a lot of things to go on the plate for the next few months and we have some group things to work on as well. Please continue to pray for our housing situation. We have turned Lora, the pastor's wife, loose with the task of helping us to find a place. We looked at 4 places in Spearfish today, including a mobile home for sale. We are just pushing forward and praying that God will show us His way. Thanks for your prayers and support and may God richly bless you.

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