Well, it looks like we will have back to back days with temps in the 80s so I think that qualifies as a heat wave. I will tell you all one thing though. The sun up here is brutal. I was out today to watch Jeremiah's t-ball game and managed to really sunburn the tops of my knees pretty badly. I had gotten a light burn on them a week or so ago that didn't really do much, but this one is bright pink and angry looking. I put the blue stuff on it and that helped, but it is still giving off some heat. I have some pictures of Jeremiah at t-ball and the kids entertaining me a couple of days ago with some VeggieTales puppet action.

Here is Jeremiah standing at first after a hit.

This is Jeremiah running the bases.

This is Jeremiah playing at second base.

This was my own showing of the Dance of the Cucumber.

This is the part where Junior comes in to get his picture taken with the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb. I have videos of this as well that are just priceless. I am not sure how to explain the presence of Laura the carrot other that AllieRose simply couldn't be left out of this much fun.
Sniff, sniff... I am SO proud! :)
Miren el Pepino...
I have video too of the singing. : )
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