Saturday, November 15, 2003

Sorry I have been so long in updating. I am preaching tomorrow morning and tomorrow night, so it looks to be a busy but fun day. Today they had Santa's Helpers at the church which means that Amelia and I got 5 hours of time without the boys to just hang out and have a date day.
I am still looking for a job. I have had another interview but that didn't pan out at all. Plus it is definitely looking as though we will need to find a place in town within the next month and be moved by Christmas. Please be praying for us in this matter. I will get another newsletter put together for e-mail and snail mail.
Thanks for your prayers and support.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The weather here is the story of the day. It is in the teens right now with about a half a foot of snow on the ground. I haven't been able to get much done. We have been letting the boys play outside in the snow. And I have made another post to my older blog. The one that I started months ago as a place to vent over politics and life and things.
I am going to try and post pictures tonight. So bear with me. Thanks for all of your prayers on the things that are mentioned here. Please continue to pray for Westside Baptist Church and all of the ministries that God has brought us to there. Pray for my opportunities to help at the Associational level as well. And continue to pray that God will move in people who can support us in this ministry.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Here it is a weekly type of update. The youth ran the annual Praise The Lord Party, an alternative celebration for Halloween, and it went very well. All of the kids who came seemed to have a lot of fun, and I know they all took home a lot of candy.
We had the lock-in over the weekend and it went pretty well. I think more adults than youth made it through the night awake. We started the new youth services last night and it went well. We have been getting snow off and on since Thursday. Tonight the final accumulation for the latest round is estimated to get to 4-7 inches. Of course with the way the roads are maintained around here I will probably still be able to drive into town tomorrow.
Amelia's TeamKid went well Wednesday night. She is very excited, and I know that her efforts are appreciated by all of the folks involved.
I will try and post some of the snow pictures and pictures from other recent events on the website soon.