Thursday, May 01, 2008


Well, my first year of work with AWANA has come to a close. It was a good year. I am still amazed at how many lives are affected by this program. We have seen several young people make decisions for Christ this past year. The program tonight went really well. I know the kids enjoyed the slideshow DVD. The young lady that put it together has a real gift for working with photos and media. I know how much work goes into those things and I am just impressed with the great job that she did. This month will be kind of a lull in the action before the summer schedule jumps into full swing. Kind of the calm before the storm if you will. Be praying for us as we jump into summer. We have a lot on our plate. In the meantime, we are continuing Thursday night Bible study as well. Right now I am taking the group through the Way of the Master foundation course. Last week, I gave out some of the million dollar icebreaker tracts to those that were there. It was a lot of fun.

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